Sunday, September 15, 2019

Positive Psychology -- September 16, 2019

This week's lessons -- Strengths and Motivation

But first -- Journal -- what is the best way to lift someone else's spirits? Write an example of a time when you lifted someone else's spirits or they lifted yours. If you want, share your responses.

Image result for good morning

What is the difference between character and talent?  Look up the definition of each word and write those definitions in your journal.  We'll discuss in class.

Image result for strengths

This week's lessons -- Strengths and Motivation

Character strengths differ from talents on the basis that character strengths are morally valued in their own right whereas talents are valued for the tangible actions they produce. Strengths result when knowledge and skills refine existing talent producing a consistent and effective performance in a given activity/area.

Teacher Read Aloud

Signature strengths often represent the "lens" through which people view the world. This lens influences the things people value or find important in a situation, the kinds of questions they tend to ask, the information they focus on, and the emotions they experience, all of which can shape their behavior. Understanding others' core strengths can provide some insight into how they view a situation and why they might respond to it as they do.

Perspective-taking - the act of perceiving a situation or understanding a concept from an alternative point of view, or from another individual.  

I will be asking you to use the "voice" of someone's strengths or talents in response to several scenarios.

Link to Perspective Taking Task - Collaborative Group Activity

Each group presents their scenario.

Introduce Motivation 

Click for Slides on Motivation

Click for Activity on Locus of Control

For homework -- read and annotate the article/handout --
Click for article on  What's Your Definition of Happiness?

Image result for what is happiness

Positive Psychology -- September 16, 2019

This week's lessons -- Strengths and Motivation This week's lessons -- Strengths and Motivation But first -- Journal -- what...